
hg8868皇冠下载 is proud of our clean energy mix. See the charts below to compare hg8868皇冠下载’s energy sources with the national average.




donut chart showing 2022 hg8868皇冠下载 energy mix: 31.1%水力发电,10%风力发电,3.8%太阳能,2.3%地热/生物质/其他,19.9%煤,12.6%天然气,20%.3%市场采购

This energy mix shows the energy we generate from company-owned resources and energy we buy through long-term contracts with wind, 太阳能, 生物质, geothermal and small-scale hydro generators. The overall mix does not represent the energy delivered to customers for two reasons. 第一个, we participate in the wholesale energy market and sell energy both to other utilities and to retail customers. 第二个, some of our purchased power from renewable sources comes with a Renewable 能源 Credit, 或矩形, which we sell to keep customer prices low.



全国能源结构平均水平 donut chart showing 2022 national average energy mix: 38% natural gas, 22%的煤, 19%的核, 13%非水力可再生能源, 6%的水电, 2%是其他

数据来源:U.S. 能源情报署